Strasbourg, France (MWC) — How and where does the global church discuss issues such as the nature and mission of the church, sources of authority and moral discernment in the churches? One long-standing forum for important discussions such as these is the Faith and Order Plenary Commission of the World Council of Churches. This body, while not officially decision-making, gathered in Kolympari, Crete, 7-13 October 2009.
The topics mentioned were the key themes of the conference under the heading, “Called to be the One Church.” More than 150 participants from many countries and a wide range of church traditions gathered to listen, discuss and dialogue.
Mennonite World Conference was also invited to participate. Alfred Neufeld of Paraguay, who is the chair of MWC’s Faith and Life Commission, represented MWC. Continue reading “Mennonite World Conference participates in WCC theological dialogue”