Mennonite World Conference participates in WCC theological dialogue

Strasbourg, France (MWC) —  How and where does the global church discuss issues such as the nature and mission of the church, sources of authority and moral discernment in the churches? One long-standing forum for important discussions such as these is the Faith and Order Plenary Commission of the World Council of Churches. This body, while not officially decision-making, gathered in Kolympari, Crete, 7-13 October 2009.

The topics mentioned were the key themes of the conference under the heading, “Called to be the One Church.” More than 150 participants from many countries and a wide range of church traditions gathered to listen, discuss and dialogue.

Mennonite World Conference was also invited to participate. Alfred Neufeld of Paraguay, who is the chair of MWC’s Faith and Life Commission, represented MWC. Continue reading “Mennonite World Conference participates in WCC theological dialogue”

Mennonite and Christian Reformed Churches in Canada hold symposium on war and peace

WINNIPEG, Man. — Mennonite Church Canada leaders have logged another event towards the denomination’s collective “1,000 Acts of Peace” initiative.

On Oct. 17, Bruce Adema, Director of Canadian Ministries for the bi-national CRC and current president of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), and Robert J. Suderman, General Secretary of Mennonite Church Canada hosted a Symposium on War and Peace together with the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) of Canada at Bethel Mennonite Church in Winnipeg. Continue reading “Mennonite and Christian Reformed Churches in Canada hold symposium on war and peace”

“Let go of marytr complex,” urges Bridgefolk participant

Bridgefolk participant Julia Smucker recently published a letter to the editor in The Mennonite (Oct. 6 issue, p. 4).  Since her letter needed to be shortened, she asked to share the original letter here: Continue reading ““Let go of marytr complex,” urges Bridgefolk participant”

Lutheran statement expresses ‘deep regret’ for Anabaptist persecution

Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland (MWC) – The Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has taken another critical step towards reconciliation with Anabaptists.

At its October meeting near Geneva, the council unanimously recommended that the LWF Eleventh Assembly adopt the statement “Action on the Legacy of Lutheran Persecution of ‘Anabaptists’” when it meets in Stuttgart, Germany in July 2010. The statement expresses “deep regret and sorrow” for the 16th-century violent persecution of Anabaptists by Lutherans. It asks for forgiveness from God and from Mennonites for past wrongs done to them, for having forgotten or ignored this persecution and for continuing to describe Anabaptists in damaging ways. Continue reading “Lutheran statement expresses ‘deep regret’ for Anabaptist persecution”

Mennonite-Catholic news from Mennonite World Conference

Mennonite World Conference met last summer in Asunción, Paraguay for its every-sixth-year general assembly. While the central purpose of the assembly was to strengthen bonds of communion between Mennonites from around the globe, the assembly also welcomed guests from other Christian traditions, including the Anglican Church, the Baptist World Alliance, the Catholic Church, the Lutheran World Federation, the Methodist Churches, African Initiated Churches, the Salvation Army, the World Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance.  Here are a couple of items gleaned from MWC news releases that will be of particular interest to Bridgefolk: Continue reading “Mennonite-Catholic news from Mennonite World Conference”

4th Annual Celebration of St. Marcellus announced for N. Indiana

Mennonites and Catholics will again be joining together in Northern Indiana October 30-31 to celebrate the Feast of St. Marcellus, the late fourth-century saint who was martyred for refusing military service, and whose relics are embedded under the altar at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame  The keynote speaker and workshop facilitator will be Dr. Mary Jo Leddy, director of the Romero House Community for Refugees in Toronto, and adjunct professor at Regis Colllege, University of Toronto.   The event is organized by the Center for Peace and Nonviolence of St. Joseph County around the theme, “Living with Spirit in the Midst of Empire”   For more information or to register for the workshop online, visit  To download a flier on the event, click here.

“Pro-life, Pro-peace” seminar at Mennonite Church USA convention

Bridgefolk Board member Darrin Snyder Belousek helped lead a “Pro-life, Pro-peace” seminar earlier this month at the 2009 convention of Mennonite Church USA, together with Ann Graber Hershberger of Eastern Mennonite University. The seminar sought to identify “faithful responses to abortion presented in the framework of a consistent life ethic.” Continue reading ““Pro-life, Pro-peace” seminar at Mennonite Church USA convention”

German Mennonite theologian on short list to lead World Council of Churches

According to a recent news release from Ecumenical News International, German Mennonite theologian Fernando Enns is on the “short list” of church leaders under consideration to become the next General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. He has served on the executive committee of the WCC and has been the visionary behind the Decade to Overcome Violence, an effort by churches around the world to call all the world’s people to engage in violence prevention, the pursuit of justice and peacemaking.  “Fernando is a friend for many of us,” notes Bridgefolk board member Weldon Nisly. “Having a Mennonite pacifist as head of the World Council of Churches would be a real milestone.”   Click here to read more.