Lutherans and Mennonites seek reconciliation, forgiveness

STUTTGART, Germany– In what Bishop Mark S. Hanson, President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), described as possibly “the most significant legacy this Assembly will leave,” the Eleventh Assembly of the LWF today took the historic step of asking the Mennonites for forgiveness for past persecutions. Delegates unanimously approved a statement calling Lutherans to express their regret and sorrow for past wrongdoings towards Anabaptists and asking for forgiveness.

Hanson described the act of repentance and reconciliation as “communion building and communion defining. “We will not just look back; we will also look towards together to God’s promised future.” Continue reading “Lutherans and Mennonites seek reconciliation, forgiveness”

Mennonite World Conference endorses dialogue with Catholics, Lutherans

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – During its annual meeting in July, the Executive Committee of Mennonite World Conference approved participation in a tri-lateral conversation with the Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.  General Secretary Larry Miller reflected: “Because of our history, we Anabaptists have often seen ourselves as heirs of martyrs, and we need to come to terms with how that affects our view of the world.  We also need to see ourselves as members of the wider body of Christ, called to give an account of our convictions and practices, and to receive others as they do likewise.”  The dialogue will begin in 2011.  The full report can be found here.

Vatican’s ecumenical council proposes renewed dialogue with Mennonites

A recent Information Service publication of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) includes news that the PCPCU has sent a letter to the Mennonite World Council “proposing a round of conversations.”  The council suggests that this new round of dialogue begin in late 2010 or early 2011, and that discussions center on “the theology and practice of baptism in our communities”.

The news is part of an article reporting on last year’s Mennonite World Conference assembly in Paraguay: Continue reading “Vatican’s ecumenical council proposes renewed dialogue with Mennonites”

Lutherans to seek formal reconciliation with Anabaptists

Strasbourg, France (MWC) -When Lutherans from around the world gather in July, they will seek a historic reconciliation with Mennonites and other Christians of the Anabaptist tradition. On July 22, the third day of the eleventh assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to be held in Stuttgart, Germany, delegates are expected to ask “forgiveness-from God and from our Mennonite sisters and brothers-for the harm that our forebears in the sixteenth century committed” in persecuting Anabaptists. Continue reading “Lutherans to seek formal reconciliation with Anabaptists”

Mennonite-Catholic dialogue featured in ecumenical conference

The recent Mennonite-Catholic dialogue will be among the projects discussed at an upcoming ecumenical conference in St. Paul, MN.  Hosted by Saint Paul Seminary, “A Century of Ecumenism” will be held June 17-19.  The conference is organized by Monsignor John Radano, Vatican staff person for the Mennonite-Catholic dialogue.

From the conference website:

The goal of this seminar is to concentrate the attention of scholars on an assessment of specific achievements of international dialogue. Special attention will be paid to international bilateral dialogues that began immediately after the Second Vatican Council involving the Catholic Church with many different churches and Christian World Communions, and the multilateral dialogue sponsored by the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order.

The conference schedule and brochure can be found here.

Bridgefolk Board member returns to Rutba, Iraq

Weldon Nisly, pastor of Seattle Mennonite Church and Bridgefolk Board member, returned to Rutba, Iraq in January as part of a Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT).   As part of a CPT delegation that visited Iraq in 2003 during the US invasion, Nisly was injured in an automobile accident and treated at a clinic in Rutba.  He and other members of the delegation returned this year in order to express their gratitude to their Iraqi hosts and medical personnel.   For CPT news releases on the recent trip, click here.

Mennonite Church Canada represented at Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

WINNIPEG, Manitoba —Mennonite Church Canada leaders gathered with those from other denominations on January 24/2010 for the opening service of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  Among the other denominations represented  were Anglican, Catholic, Ukrainian Catholic, United Church of Canada, Evangelical Lutheran, United Church of Christ, Salvation Army, Presbyterian and Ukrainian Orthodox. Continue reading “Mennonite Church Canada represented at Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”