What does “God’s security” look like?

Lisa Schirch of Eastern Mennonite University participates on panel

Kingston, Jamaica (WCC) — As a 10-year-old schoolgirl, on 6 August 1945, at 8:15 a.m., Setsuko Thurlow, then Nakamura, suddenly saw a brilliant bluish light flash outside her schoolroom window. “I remember the sensation of floating in the air. When I regained consciousness, in the total darkness and silence, I found myself in the rubble.”

She began to hear her classmates’ faint voices: “Mom, help me. Dad, help me.”

Thurlow is a “hibakusha”, a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, one of two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan by the United States toward the end of World War II. She is also a lifelong advocate against armaments. Continue reading “What does “God’s security” look like?”

MWC names first general secretary from the global South

César García has been leader in Mennonite-Catholic dialogue in Colombia

César García of Bogotá, Colombia, General Secretary-elect of Mennonite World ConferenceMennonite World Conference has just announced the appointment of its next General Secretary.  A search of Bridgefolk’s online archives suggests that García already has a record of involvement in Mennonite-Catholic dialogue in Colombia and advocacy for continued dialogue at the international level.  Here is the MWC press release:

Taipei, Taiwan (MWC) — For the first time, a leader from the global South will become the General Secretary of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC). On May 4, the MWC Executive Committee formally appointed César García of Bogotá, Colombia, as General Secretary-elect, to succeed Larry Miller on January 1, 2012.

“I am excited about the possibility of serving in the leadership of MWC with the purpose of praying, thinking and acting as part of Christ’s global church,” García said, following his acceptance of the call. “God is glorified when the multicultural interdependency of his church is evidenced in our way of doing theology, practicing ecclesiology and bearing Christian witness in the world.”

Continue reading “MWC names first general secretary from the global South”

Harder to address future of Canadian ecumenism

Winnipeg, Man. — Dr. Helmut Harder, Professor Emeritus, Canadian Mennonite University, and former General Secretary of Mennonite Church Canada, will be a keynote speaker at the 20th Summer Ecumenical Institute at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon, July 6 – 9.

Harder has a long history of working with ecumenical agenda, and is noted particularly for his initiative and years of experience in fostering a Roman Catholic-Mennonite dialogue, addressing both commonalities and differences. Continue reading “Harder to address future of Canadian ecumenism”

Kreiders publish new book on Worship and Mission After Christendom

Bridgefolk participants Alan and Eleanor Kreider have published a new book,  Worship and Mission After Christendom.  Their publisher, Herald Press, hints at why their work will appeal to the “sacramentally-minded Mennonites and peace-minded Catholics” who make up Bridgefolk:

Today, as Christendom weakens, worship and mission are poised to reunite after centuries of separation. But this requires the church to rethink both “mission” and “worship.” In post-Christendom mission, God is the main actor and God calls all Christians to participate. In post-Christendom worship, the church tells and celebrates the story of God, enabling members to live in hope and attract outsiders to its many tables of hospitality.

In this passionate and thoughtful study, Alan Kreider and Eleanor Kreider draw upon missiology, liturgiology, biblical studies, church history, and the vast experience of today’s global Christian church-to say nothing of their long tenure as teachers and writers in contemporary England and the United States. Academically responsible but also practical and accessible, Worship and Mission After Christendom is a much-needed guide for people who take seriously God’s call to be the church in a world where institutional religion is no longer taken for granted. Continue reading “Kreiders publish new book on Worship and Mission After Christendom

Bridgefolk Briefs

A few items of interest this week:

  • From Mennonite Church Eastern Canada: A service of healing between Mennonites and Lutherans will take place later this month in Waterloo, Ontario.  Bridgefolk participants might be particularly interested in the story of footwashing as a means of healing relationships.
  • Click here for a report on the day of reflection for Mennonites and Catholics in South Bend, Indiana.  This gathering, involving many friends of Bridgefolk, was previously announced on this site.
  • Resources from last summer’s conference are now available on the 2010 Conference page.  Click here to read the presentations by Abbot John Klassen and Mary Schertz or to view the footwashing liturgy used in our corporate worship.
  • Share your thoughts on the Discussion page.  The current discussion topic explores the interaction of movements and institutions in church life.

Mennonite publication celebrates ministry of Marlene Kropf

Marlene Kropf, Bridgefolk co-chair, retired from her position as denominational minister of worship (Mennonite Church USA) last month.  The Mennonite featured an article in celebration of her ministry.

From the article:

Since 1983, Marlene has been a key leader in the creation of Mennonite worship resources and spiritual formation material and has helped lead six spiritual pilgrimages and numerous music and worship retreat weekends. She has introduced a variety of spiritual disciplines across the church. “The main focus of my interest in worship transformation,” Marlene says, ‘has not simply been a conversion from passive to active behavior in worship but rather toward a more active encounter with God.”