Friendship on the Bridge:
Mennonites and Catholics Together
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
July 21 – 24, 2005
This year’s Bridgefolk conference will focus on the role of friendship in buidling the Mennonite Catholic bridge. As we look back over the past few years it is clear that friendships of all kinds have played a major role in bringing us to this point. The advice we once received from leaders of the Sant’Egidio ecclesial community rings true: “Proceed through friendship.” We want to give special attention this year to how friendships in various settings and locales are creating new bridges.
Speakers this year will talk about the role of friendship in peacemaking, in community building and in ecumenical relationships, especially at the local level. The ‘haiku’ snapshots that were such a big success last year will focus on individual stories of friendship between Mennonites and Catholics. And as usual there will be plenty of free time for participants to renew old friendships and to make new ones.