by Eric Massanari
“We are all standing in a river of Christ,
and we are being carried along by currents we cannot comprehend.”
Those struck me as very wise and timely words when I heard them spoken a few weeks ago by a former Mennonite, and now Catholic, Ivan Kauffman. Ivan was speaking to a group of sixty of us (roughly half Mennonites and half Catholics) who had gathered for discussions on peacemaking and spirituality at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. We are all standing in a river of Christ, and we are being carried along by currents we cannot comprehend.
They were appropriate words to begin our time together because we soon realized that although many different life experiences (or, “currents”) had brought us to that place, we could find a common place on which to stand because of our common faith in Christ. Continue reading ““Enough to Go Around””