2018 Bridgefolk Conference

Mennonites and Catholics in Dialogue

Racial Harmony“Toward a Just Peace: Eradicating the Evil of Racism”

The 17th annual Bridgefolk conference was held at Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, MN, 26-29 July 2018.

Keynote speakers:

Anne McCarthy, OSB, Mount Saint Benedict Monastery, “Overturning Temple Tables: Toward Repairing a Racist Legacy”

Felipe Hinojosa, Associate Professor of History, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Teaching specialty in Latina/o – Chicana/o, Religion. Author of Latino Mennonites:  Civil Rights, Faith, and Evangelical Culture (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014). Keynote title to come.

2018 Conference Report, 10 August 2018

Pre-Conference News Release


Registration is closed.

Travel Links

For more information: <info@bridgefolk.net>.

Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium to discuss intercessorary prayer, October 1 at Notre Dame

Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium:
Intercessory Prayer

October 1, 2016
University of Notre Dame
Geddes Hall Auditorium
8:30 am to 5 pm

This daylong symposium will feature scholars from the Mennonite and Catholic traditions engaging in discussion of the historical context and contemporary liturgical practices around intercessory prayer. Formal presentations will lay the groundwork for informed engagement among participants, with the goal of advancing ecumenical dialogue through rigorous theological exploration.

Invited Speakers:

  • Marlene Kropf, Emerita, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
  • John Cavadini, University of Notre Dame
  • Kim Belcher, University of Notre Dame
  • Karl Koop, Canadian Mennonite University

There is no charge for participation. Refreshments will be provided, and participants will take meals on their own.

Click here for flyer PDF.

Questions? Please contact Margie Pfeil at mpfeil1@nd.edu.

This event is sponsored by:

Major new resource documents Mennonite ecumenical dialogue

Click here to order from publisher.

Ecumenical dialogue is not an end in itself. It serves as an indispensable instrument to overcome the divisive, mutual misinterpretations of the past. Ecumenical encounters pave the way toward healing painful memories and lead to a deeper understanding of the church’s given unity, thus becoming a more credible witness of that truth.

Edited by Fernando Enns and Jonathan Seiling, Mennonites in Dialogue is a collection of all conversation texts involving Mennonites on international and national levels, covering forty years of encounters with Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Reformed, Baptists, and Seventh-Day Adventists, among others. The texts illustrate growth in agreement as well as identify the remaining convictions that still divide. Continue reading “Major new resource documents Mennonite ecumenical dialogue”

Bridgefolk announces 2016 conference


Dear Friends of Bridgefolk,

I am pleased to announce the upcoming Bridgefolk conference for 2016!

Theme: “‘I Desire Mercy:’ Practicing the Works of Mercy”

Speakers: Fr. Columba Stewart, OSB, and Dawn Ruth Nelson

Location: St. Benedict’s Monastery and College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN

Dates: July 28-31

Description: Inspired in part by Pope Francis’ Year (Jubilee) of Mercy, this conference will explore how we joyfully receive mercy from God and how we practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Stories illustrating the practice of mercy will be drawn from the third century to today.

Registration information and conference schedule will follow soon on the Bridgefolk website.

We hope to see you there!

Darrin W. Snyder Belousek
Bridgefolk executive director

Saint Marcellus Day Celebration – October 29th, 2015

From Catholic Peace Fellowship: Saint Marcellus Day 2015

Thursday, October 29th

Supper, Pilgrimage, Address and Prayers

The relics of St. Marcellus are housed in the main altar at Sacred Heart Basilica at Notre Dame and each year around his feast day pilgrims visit those relics to pray and meditate on the current-day meaning of his martyrdom for peace 1,700 years ago. Continue reading “Saint Marcellus Day Celebration – October 29th, 2015”

Liturgical Press and Augsburg Fortress co-publish extraordinary new resource to celebrate Christian unity

MINNEAPOLIS AND COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA (January 2015)—Liturgical Press, the Roman Catholic publishing house of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, and Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), are pleased to announce the co-publication of One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ, a resource to help Catholic and Lutheran communities walk together, recognizing and nourishing unity at a grassroots level.

In August 2014, six gifted pastoral leaders and scholars—three Lutheran and three Catholic—gathered for six days at a retreat center in the central Minnesota farmlands. Through intense prayer, discussion, debate, laughter, and work, they created a resource to help Catholics, Lutherans, and all Christians prepare for and mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. The result is One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ.

The essays in One Hope explore experiences and activities that Catholics and Lutherans share and that connect to the living of their faith in embodied ways: breathing, eating, singing, forgiving, serving, and dying. One Hope will serve as a welcome resource for adult faith formation and parish discussion groups made up of Catholics, Lutherans, or members of other denominations.

Continue reading “Liturgical Press and Augsburg Fortress co-publish extraordinary new resource to celebrate Christian unity”