Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium to ask: Does Peacebuilding Need Peace Theology?

The Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium, a Bridgefolk project, invites participation in a one-day conference at the University of Notre Dame, 19 October 2019. Presenters will trace the sources and significance of Mennonite-Catholic collaboration in peacebuilding, as well as its future prospects: As both Mennonite and Catholics in the field become more skillful practitioners and more sophisticated social-science researchers, what do they owe to the peace theologies that led to their historic collaboration? And what should be the contribution of theology in the future? Click here for more information.

“Catholic-Mennonite Gathering Planned for Winnipeg”

Article online by Will Braun, Canadian Mennonite 23:13 (24 June 2019), 16-17. PDF of the complete issue is also available. Will is a senior writer for the magazine.

The 18th annual Bridgefolk conference will be held at Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 25-28 July 2019. The theme is “Toward a Just Peace: Indigenous-Settler Reconciliation Through Friendship.”

Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World: A Christian Perspective

Joint Ecumenical Document

Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World: A Christian Perspective
Document issued 21 May 2019 by Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue and the World Council of Churches.

The purpose of this 13-page document is to encourage churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the structural roots of what has led to the disruption of peace in the world, and on their own current practices and priorities in relation to education and peacemaking. At the same time, it is hoped that the document, issued 21 May 2019, may assist a wider conversation on education for peace involving followers of other religions, as well as social and political actors in our multi-religious world, taking into consideration specific historical and cultural contexts.

Download full document: Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World: A Christian Perspective (pdf)

Fr. William Skudlarek OSB Named Interim Coordinator

Darrin Snyder Belousek <> announces that henceforth Rev. William Skudlarek OSB <> succeeds to his former duties as Bridgefolk’s Executive Director.

Fr. William’s Bridgefolk title is Interim Coordinator.  Dom William is a monk of Saint John’s Abbey and serves as the international Secretary General of the official Monastic Interreligious Dialogue.