Online registration is now available for the 2010 Bridgefolk Conference at St. John’s Abbey. Registrants may choose to register by mail, e-mail or online. Please click here for the registration page.
Category: Announcements
Summer conference travel information
Those traveling to Minnesota for this summer’s conference may be interested in extended their trip to include a visit to the Twin Cities area. The Dead Sea Scrolls will be on display in the Science Museum of Minnesota. See this link for additional information. Visitors to the museum can also view a display of the St. John’s Bible, a hand-written, hand-illuminated Bible commissioned by St. John’s University.
Mennonite-Catholic dialogue featured in ecumenical conference
The recent Mennonite-Catholic dialogue will be among the projects discussed at an upcoming ecumenical conference in St. Paul, MN. Hosted by Saint Paul Seminary, “A Century of Ecumenism” will be held June 17-19. The conference is organized by Monsignor John Radano, Vatican staff person for the Mennonite-Catholic dialogue.
From the conference website:
The goal of this seminar is to concentrate the attention of scholars on an assessment of specific achievements of international dialogue. Special attention will be paid to international bilateral dialogues that began immediately after the Second Vatican Council involving the Catholic Church with many different churches and Christian World Communions, and the multilateral dialogue sponsored by the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order.
The conference schedule and brochure can be found here.
Resource for interchurch families
Follow this link to the website for the Association of Interchurch Families. The organization “seeks to link all those families, groups, and Associations so that together we may grow in Christian unity, and become for our churches an ever-greater gift of healing of the scandal of disunity.
It takes seriously both our marriage commitment to one another and the fact that two churches are represented in our family; by affirming at local, national and global levels the gifts of interchurch families and their potential as a catalyst for wider church unity.”
The most recent newsletter can be found here. Topics in this newsletter include “Spiritual Ecumenism in Interchurch Marital Spirituality” and “Interchurch Families: Domestic Churches.”
Bridgefolk co-sponsors ecumenical peace conference
Peace Among the Peoples is a gathering of ecumenically minded Christian peacemakers. This conference will be an opportunity to reflect on the future of ecumenical peacemaking in North America, and beyond. Bridgefolk is a co-sponsor of this conference.
In May 2011, the World Council of Churches will hold the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Kingston, Jamaica, culminating the 2001-2010 Decade to Overcome Violence program. The immediate objective of Peace Among the Peoples is to critically appropriate the agenda of the 2011 Convocation.
The meeting will include panel presentations from leading thinkers and activists, such as Stanley Hauerwas, Rita Nakashima Brock and Brian McLaren.
For more information, click here.
Conference registration now open
Registration is now open for the 2010 conference. The conference will be held July 22-25 at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, MN. Visit the conference page for more information or click here to access the registration form directly. Online registration will be available soon.
Bridgefolk 2010 Conference schedule updated
Duke Center for Reconciliation invites applications to summer institute
Applications are now being received for the 2010 Duke Divinity School Summer Institute, online at This summer’s Institute will focus on the theme “The Ministry of Reconciliation in a Divided World” and will be held from May 31 – June 5, 2010 on the campus of Duke Divinity School. The 2010 Summer Institute will create a community of learning among diverse peers and offer intimate interaction with a world-class faculty of scholars and practitioners. You will experience in-depth teaching, prayer and worship, shared meals, real-world contexts and challenges, and an opportunity to reflect on your own vocation and ministry setting. Continue reading “Duke Center for Reconciliation invites applications to summer institute”
Bridgefolk Conference 2010 information
Information related to the Bridgefolk 2010 Conference at St. John’s Abbey is now posted on the conference tab of the Bridgefolk website. You may access the information at the conference tab above or click here for the main conference page.