Bridgefolk 2025 to be held in Winnipeg in July

Bridgefolk Conference 2025
Mennonites and Catholics in Dialogue

Anabaptism at 500:
Ecumenical Dialogue in an Age of Polarization
First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
July 24-27, 2025


The 2025 annual Bridgefolk conference will be held July 24-27, 2025 at First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba—Treaty 1 Territory and the homeland of the Metis Nation. This is the 23rd annual Bridgefolk gathering, the second time it will be held in Winnipeg, and the third time in Canada.

Bridgefolk is a grassroots ecumenical movement of Mennonites and Roman Catholics who work together toward Christian unity by “proceeding through friendship.” Newcomers are always welcome at Bridgefolk gatherings, regardless of religious affiliation.

Interior of church.
First Mennonite Church, Winnepeg, Manitoba (photo by George Penner)

The 2025 conference theme is “Anabaptism at 500: Ecumenical Dialogue in an Age of Polarization.” This year’s conference will look at the birth of Anabaptism from both a Mennonite and a Roman Catholic perspective, what has changed in the past five centuries, and what the implications are for ecumenical dialogue today.

The Mennonite keynote address will be given by Dr. Jennifer Otto, Associate Professor in the Department of History and Religion at the University of Lethbridge, where she teaches courses on Christianity, Bible, and Western Religions. Dr. Otto’s current research project, “Remembering Anabaptist Martyrs,” investigates the reception and representation of early Christian martyrs among Anabaptists in the 16th century and in the present day.

We also welcome Fr. John Klassen OSB, as our Roman Catholic keynote speaker. Fr. John was abbot of Saint John’s Abbey, in Collegeville, Minnesota, for over 23 years, and was instrumental in starting and supporting Bridgefolk during that time. Before becoming abbot, he received a doctorate from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, in 1985, taught at Saint John’s Preparatory School (1972-77) and Saint John’s University (1983-2000), and was the director of the university’s senior seminar program (1986-88), and of the Peace Studies Program (1988-90). He was the director of monastic formation for the abbey from 1993-99.

This conference will also feature a panel discussion with others who are involved in ecumenical dialogue and work, locally and elsewhere. The conference will feature a workshop to equip participants with practical tools to engage in respectful dialogue as well as small groups in which to practice these tools.

“Bridgefolk brings a unique set of gifts to this work,” notes Laura Funk, long-time Bridgefolk participant and local conference organizer. “Mennonites and Catholics are in conversation and prayer with each other. Often we do our best learning in the presence of those who have had a different experience, who bring different assumptions and history to the challenge of respectful dialogue in an age of increased polarization. In addition, we are called together to be peacemakers, with a commitment to the non-violence of Jesus in the Gospel. This call shapes our approach to listening, speaking, thinking, and acting.”

The conference will include a foot-washing service and agape meal, as well as a hymn sing, which have become favorite elements of Bridgefolk gatherings.

Registration information will be forthcoming on the Bridgefolk website (

Bridgefolk webinars page updated to include 27 January event

Recent Bridgefolk webinars are now available online at, including …

  • Dr. Jennifer Otto, “2025: Remembering Zurich and Nicaea,” 27 January 2025
  • Br. Denys Janiga OSB, “War, technology, acceleration: Responding to the cries of the earth through stability and contemplation,” 8 October 2024
  • Introducing the Bridgefolk board, 11 April 2024

Virtual event to remember Zurich & Nicaea, January 27

2025: Remembering Zurich and Nicaea
January 27, 8-9:30 p.m. ET

Portrait photo of Jennifer Otto
Jennifer Otto, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lethbridge and Bridgefolk board member.

The year 2025 marks 500 years since the first adult believers’ baptisms of the Anabaptist movement took place in Zurich, Switzerland. It also marks 1700 years since the Council of Nicaea, where the Nicene Creed was established as the first ecumenical statement of “catholic” Christian faith. In this webinar, Bridgefolk Board Member Jennifer Otto, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lethbridge, will provide a brief historical introduction to the events of both Nicaea and Zurich and invite us into conversation about unity and division within the Church.

  • How should we, as Mennonites and as Catholics, commemorate these two events?
  • How do these anniversaries impact the way we think about “proceeding in friendship” together?
  • Can we celebrate the Nicene Creed and the beginnings of Anabaptism while acknowledging the pain caused by the ruptures in the Body of Christ that both events embody? 

To register, click here.

Virtual event on war, technology & acceleration, October 8

Mug shot of Brother Denys Janiga
Denys Janiga, OSB

War, Technology, Acceleration:
Responding to the Cries of the Earth Through Stability and Contemplation
Tuesday, October 8, 8:15-9:30 pm ET

In this presentation, Bridgefolk Board Member Br. Denys Janiga OSB will talk about the relationship between war, ecology, and society, with a focus on technology.

He will discuss some of the recent technologies being deployed in modern conflicts, including Ukraine and Russia, Gaza and Israel, and Azerbaijan and Armenia. This will then move into a discussion of the notion of the “technocratic paradigm,” which Pope Francis has critiqued in his encyclical Laudato Si. Building on the pope’s encyclical, Br. Denys will use the work of Hartmut Rosa to better understand the temporal dimension of modern societies that he refers to as acceleration. The presentation will conclude with a Benedictine response through the vow of stability and contemplation.

After working as a program development assistant for the Environmental Studies program at the College of Saint Benedict (CSB) and Saint John’s University (SJU), Br. Denys has recently joined the university’s Campus Ministry staff. A member of Saint John’s Abbey, he is also a student in the Saint John’s School of Theology.

People on Bridgefolk mailing lists will receive a Zoom link on the morning of October 8.
Click here to subscribe.

This event is cosponsored by Pax Christi USA: The National Catholic Peace Movement.

Online registration now open!

Bridgefolk Summer Retreat
25-28 July 2024 | Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, MN

Spiritual Practices for Peacemaking: Nurturing Resistance and Resilience
Featuring guest facilitator Sarah Augustine,
Executive Director of the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery

Click here for online registration
Click here to download form for mail-in registration.

We will come together as Catholics and Mennonites committed to peacemaking at a time of multiple challenges: climate disaster, protracted war in Ukraine and devastating destruction and death in Gaza, political and religious polarization during an election year in the US, White Christian Nationalism, and the ongoing struggle for Indigenous rights and racial justice in the US and Canada.

Sarah Augustine
Sarah Augustine

Using the framework of resistance and resilience from Potawatomi author Kaitlin Curtice, the presenter at the September 2023 AMBS Rooted & Grounded/Bridgefolk Conference in Indiana, we will reflect on scripture and take part in a variety of spiritual practices from each of our traditions and beyond. Sarah Augustine will offer teaching and invitations for resisting settler colonialism and will lead us in ceremony that draws from and honors the wisdom of her Pueblo (Tewa) people. We will share stories and learn from the experiences of one another to strengthen our peace witness. We welcome the participation of families with children.

Preliminary schedule:

Click here for online registration
Click here to download form for mail-in registration.

Board profile: Ann Marie Biermaier OSB & Samantha Lioi, co-chairs

When Fr. John Klassen retired from his role as Abbot of Saint John’s Abbey and departed for a six-month sabbatical in January 2024, he also concluded his tenure as Catholic Co-chair of the Bridgefolk board, a position he had filled since its formation. Sr. Ann Marie Biermaier, a board member from the St. Benedict Monastery, graciously accepted the invitation to join Mennonite Samantha Lioi as co-chair.

Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB and Samantha Lioi
Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB (R) and Samantha Lioi (L), Bridgefolk board co-chairs.

Samantha and Sr. Ann Marie are women of different generations, and both bring a rich diversity of experiences that drew them to ecumenical involvement. Sr. Ann Marie quotes Toni Sorenson as she looks back on her six-decades-long career as a Benedictine sister: “Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes isn’t as much about the walk or the shoes; it’s being able to think like they think, feel what they feel, and understand why they are who and where they are. Every step is about empathy.” Biermaier notes: “I have had several opportunities over the years to attempt to ‘walk in others’ shoes.’ I pray that they and I are better because we’ve shared along the way.”

Living in a religious community has given Biermaier ample opportunities to walk with others. “We are a group of women from a variety of backgrounds—educationally, socially, socioeconomically. We’ve shared formative moments through study and praying together frequently each day. We’ve welcomed individuals from other cultures into our community.” Biermaier also extends welcome through her involvement with the community’s Studium program in which individuals come from around the world to do research, study, and creative work. She finds deep joy in welcoming individuals of other religions and cultures.

At the September 2023 Bridgefolk co-sponsored the Rooted and Grounded conference at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), Lioi commented to some new acquaintances, “Some of my best friends are Catholic!” This has been true since childhood when, growing up in north Jersey, both of her best friends from grade school through high school were Catholic. She remains a close friend with Dominique, who is Italian like half of Samantha’s family, and Karla, who is half Mexican, half Okinawan via Hawaii. Samantha remembers meeting Dominique in the bus line one day after school, when they were about eight. “A zealous kid immersed in late-eighties evangelicalism,” Samantha recalls, “I was wearing a small pin that said, ‘Jesus loves you.’ Dominique smiled and said, ‘I like your pin,’ and we soon had a confusing exchange when she asked if I was Catholic, meaning Christian, and I said no and specified the kind of Christian I was.” 

Despite having Catholic friends from an early age, Lioi regrets the judgmental attitude she absorbed as a child and youth about “the exclusive rightness of my church’s particular way of being Christian. Especially sad is a lack of connection with my Italian grandmother’s Catholic heritage. My dad’s mom left the Catholic Church to marry my Protestant grandfather, whose father had emigrated from Italy with a bad taste in his mouth from some harsher penance practices he had observed. Yet, my dad bore no hint of shame in telling me about his great aunt Emily, who was a Dominican sister.”

Both Biermaier and Lioi had educational experiences that introduced them to new people and perspectives. Biermaier’s doctoral studies presented a rich opportunity to study with a number of indigenous students. “We exchanged ideas on education, culture, and ways of improving education in our K-16 settings. Through social events we got to know each other personally.”

For her part, Lioi discovered “the rich breadth of Christian history and tradition, including the church year, classic spiritual disciplines including silence, solitude, fasting, celebration and centering prayer, as well as Catholic social teaching. “One of my profs turned me on to Rerum Novarum, and I eagerly studied the full text for a final paper in that class. That same professor dropped phrases like ‘God’s preferential option for the poor’ into theology classes, piquing my interest and planting seeds in me toward a theology of justice and peace.”

For 20-plus years, Biermaier made frequent trips to The Bahamas to work in the Benedictine education program there. She assisted students completing their degrees with the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. She lived in Nassau for two years, which she describes as “an immersion into the culture – educationally, spiritually, and socially. I grew in understanding  their values, their desires for their country and world, and their love of nature and the earth.”

Biermaier made additional trips to Tanzania and India, exploring semester-long study opportunities for education students. As she explored what it might mean for US students to study in those cultural and educational environments, she also considered how African and Asian students would do as they adjusted to the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. A pilgrimage to Europe allowed Biermaier to trace the paths of Benedict and Scholastica in Rome and Subiaco. “As I walked the steps up the hill from the town of Subiaco to where Benedict lived, I felt deeply his love for the earth, love for prayer, the countryside, and his love for where his sister lived. I came home with a richer understanding of my Benedictine heritage.”

For her part, Lioi lived for ten months with an American family in Tanzania in her mid-twenties. There she developed friendships with Anglican pastors/missionaries from Australia and England, and many varieties of expatriate Christians worshiped together at an intentionally ecumenical local church. When she returned to the United States and enrolled at AMBS, her emerging Mennonite identity became grounded, fleshed out. “Marlene Kropf became an important mentor, and my formation as a worship leader was threaded through with Catholic contemplative spirituality and attentiveness to liturgical seasons. Professors Mary Schertz’s and Alan Kreider’s ways of reading and teaching the Bible and church history and mission profoundly impacted me.”

In summer 2007, Bridgefolk met on the AMBS campus. Lioi participated as a volunteer and found herself “immersed in mutual love and respect, joy, personal storytelling, worship, earnest faith, energizing conversations.” She was pleasantly surprised several years later to be invited to serve on the Bridgefolk board. “What a gift to be part of Bridgefolk’s ongoing growth in love, understanding, compassion, and relational peacemaking as we ‘proceed through friendship.’  I look forward to the Spirit’s winsome guiding as we continue to watch and listen for what is next. May we find—and spread—more healing and transformation as we continue to embrace one another on the bridge.”

Biermaier’s participation in Bridgefolk began when her good friend and fellow Benedictine sister Theresa Schumacher joined the Bridgefolk board. “Becoming part of Bridgefolk gave me another opportunity of ‘lifelong learning.’ I wanted to learn more about the Mennonite-Catholic relationship—the peace-loving, sacramental emphasis given within each church’s perspective. I look forward to continuing this search as I take on this new role with the board.”

Abbot John Klassen retires;
Sr. Ann Marie Biermaier new Bridgefolk co-chair

Abbot John Klassen
Abbot John Klassen

Abbot John Klassen OSB has retired from his leadership of Saint John’s Abbey in Minnesota after 23 years of leadership. As Abbot John enters retirement he expects to stay involved with Bridgefolk but is stepping back from his leadership role there as well.

Sister Ann Marie Biermaier OSB
Sister Ann Marie Biermaier

Sr. Ann Marie Biermaier OSB of neighboring St. Benedict’s Monastery has agreed to replace Klassen as Bridgefolk’s Catholic co-chair.

In 2001, only a few months into his service as abbot, Klassen invited Bridgefolk to make the abbey its home. As Bridgefolk organized itself in the following year, he became Bridgefolk’s Catholic co-chair, a role that he enthusiastically continued until now.

Sister Biermaier is director of the Studium program for visiting scholars at St. Benedict’s Monastery and is on the board of the College of St. Benedict. She has participated in Bridgefolk for many years and joined the board in the Spring of 2023.

Klassen retired at midnight on January 7 as he approached his 75th birthday. Having begun a discernment process upon the announcement of his retirement months earlier, the monks of Saint John’s Abbey began meeting on January 8 to select their new abbot. On January 9, they selected Fr. Douglas Mullins to be the 11th abbot of the community. To the surprise of all present, the community required only a single ballot to reach its decision, according to Fr. Eric Hollas.

Bridgefolk 2023 conference in collaboration with Mennonite seminary

The 2023 Bridgefolk Conference will be a collaboration with the Rooted & Grounded Series of Conferences on Land and Christian Discipleship at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. “Pathways through Climate Doom: Resistance and Resilience” will be held September 28-30. Persons wishing to submit proposals for paper presentations should do so by the April 30 deadline.

For more details on the conference, please visit For a PDF of the call for papers and workshop proposals, click here.

More details on Bridgefolk events at the conference will follow.

Catholic Nonviolence Initiative lecture series on gospel nonviolence now available

We are created out of Love and for Love. Conflict is a regular part of this human journey and an opportunity to grow. How do we grow into the persons and communities that God calls us to become? How do we construct a more sustainable just peace?

In October the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, offered a series of virtual lectures on gospel nonviolence:

  • Why ‘Nonviolence?’ (includes 2 young adult speakers)
  • Returning to and Exploring the Power of Nonviolence
  • Christian Foundations of Nonviolence
  • Embracing Nonviolence: A New Moral Framework
  • Embracing Nonviolence: Transforming the Church.

These lectures are now available for personal or group study. All five videos are divided into speaker chapters, and the presentations run from between 15 to 29 minutes. Immediately following each presentation is a slide that has three discussion/essay questions.

A one-stop web page for these resources is available at The page includes find brief lecture and presentation summaries, a link to each video and a downloadable study guide.