Hildegard of Bingen: A Model of Mennonite-Catholic Bridging

Bridgefolk participant Julia Smucker has jut published an article in U.S. Catholic magazine on ways that the 12th-century abbess, mystic, and musician has been “a companion on my meandering journey” of faith. Julia writes:

Hildegard’s ambiguity makes her an appropriate guide on my own journey, which has been characterized by in-betweenness and pilgrimage in various ways, most recently as I brought my Mennonite heritage into communion with the Catholic Church. Hildegard’s honest self-awareness and genius for integrating ideas helped show me the possibility of living such a duality and the contribution it may yet make in this church I now call home. Her example helps me to articulate what I hope I am also becoming: a complex woman of conviction and questions, reconciling differences and pointing to the connectedness of all things.

The appears in the February 2012 issue of U.S. Catholic (pages 63-64) or online by clicking here.

Week of Christian Unity 2021: A Report from the Vatican

On the occasion of the just-completed Week of Christian Unity, L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily newspaper, has published a report on the state of ecumenical dialogue by Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The report mentions the trilateral Lutheran-Catholic-Mennonite dialogue, along with some 15 other bilateral dialogues and discussions in which the pontifical council was engaged during 2020.

Mutual understanding and reciprocal trust

22 January 2021

The year 2020 will long be remembered for the transformation of life, communal and personal, caused by the pandemic. The Ecumenical world, too, has suffered from the restriction imposed due to the health crisis. In relationships among Christians, divided but eager to overcome separations, personal contacts are essential. The mutual understanding and reciprocal trust necessary to deepen communion are born and grow only through encounter. Many meetings, many church gatherings and ecumenical dialogues have had to be cancelled or postponed to a future date. Certain meetings have been replaced by video conferences, but there is no doubt that a conversation mediated by technology does not produce the same effect as an exchange of ideas, beliefs, and motivations that takes place in person. Yet, even in this fateful year, the search for Christian unity has continued, and has made progress. Sixty years after its founding (June 1960), the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (pcpuc) carries onward with conviction its mandate: to promote ecumenism in the Catholic Church and the relationships of the Catholic Church with other Christians, in their Churches and communities. …

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First hymn in new Mennonite hymnal will again be by a Catholic

Voices Together hymnal cover

A recent article in the Mennonite World Review answers a few questions about Voices Together, the new hymnal that the Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada plan to release this fall. Chief among them: What will be hymn no. 1?

Bridgefolk participants have noted approvingly that the first words of hymn in the current Mennonite hymnal, released in 1992 — “What is this place?” — were penned by the then-Catholic-priest Huub Oosterhuis of the Netherlands.

The new hymnal will again open with a text written by a Catholic, Sister Delores Dufner OSB, a member of St. Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota. Dufner has participated in Bridgefolk conferences and spoke on a panel concerning hospitality in 2006.

Duffner’s text, “Summoned by the God Who Made Us,” is being set to the tune “Nettleton” (best known as the tune to “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessingj”). The refrain:

Let us bring the gifts that differ
and, in splendid, varied ways,
sing a new church into being,
one in faith and love and praise.

Trilateral report on baptism by Lutherans, Catholics, Mennonites released

Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
News release
30 July 2020

Representatives of the Catholic Church, the Lutheran World Federation, and the Mennonite World Conference met periodically from 2012-2017. These trilateral Conversations focused on the understanding and practice of Baptism in light of contemporary missional challenges facing these Christian communities.

The final report entitled Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church summarizes the outcome of these Conversations. The text is published together with a Catholic Commentary authored by Professor Peter Casarella (Duke University, USA). The report is published as a study document in the hope that through wide diffusion, both within the three communities and among Christians in general, it will contribute to better mutual understanding on the mystery of Baptism and greater faithfulness to Jesus Christ.

The report treats three fundamental themes: 1) the relationship between Baptism, sin and grace; 2) the celebration of Baptism and the communication of grace and faith in the context of the Christian community; 3) the living out of Baptism in Christian discipleship.

The publication of the report was announced by a joint communiqué issued for the publication of the report.

Participants in the meetings on behalf of the Mennonites were Prof Dr Alfred Neufeld † (co-chair, Paraguay); Prof. Dr Fernando Enns (Germany); Revd Rebecca Adongo Osiro (Kenya); Prof. Dr John Rempel (Canada); Revd Dr Larry Miller (co-secretary, France/USA).

Lutheran delegation members were Prof. Dr Friederike Nüssel (co-chair, Germany); Bishop Emeritus Dr Musawenkosi Biyela (South Africa); Prof. Dr Theodor Dieter (France); Revd Prof. Peter Li (Hong Kong-China); Revd Raj Bharath Patta (India/UK); and Revd Dr Kaisamari Hintikka (co-secretary, Finland/Switzerland).

Catholic Church delegation members were Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga, IMC (co-chair, Colombia); Revd Prof. William Henn, OFM Cap (USA/Italy); Revd Prof. Luis Melo, SM (Canada); Sister Prof. Dr Marie-Hélène Robert, NDA (France); and Revd Avelino González-Ferrer (co-secretary, USA/Vatican).

Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium to ask: Does Peacebuilding Need Peace Theology?

The Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium, a Bridgefolk project, invites participation in a one-day conference at the University of Notre Dame, 19 October 2019. Presenters will trace the sources and significance of Mennonite-Catholic collaboration in peacebuilding, as well as its future prospects: As both Mennonite and Catholics in the field become more skillful practitioners and more sophisticated social-science researchers, what do they owe to the peace theologies that led to their historic collaboration? And what should be the contribution of theology in the future? Click here for more information.

Pope calls for nonviolence in 2017 World Day of Peace message: U.S. religious leaders respond

Press release
Catholic Nonviolence Initiative
12 December 2016

Today in his message “Nonviolence: A style of politics for peace,” for the 50th World Day of Peace, celebrated each year on 1 January, Pope Francis urges people everywhere to practice active nonviolence and notes that the “decisive and consistent practice of nonviolence has produced impressive results.”

Continue reading “Pope calls for nonviolence in 2017 World Day of Peace message: U.S. religious leaders respond”

Mercy in the borderlands

Homily for Bridgefolk footwashing service, 30 July 2016
Joetta Handrich Schlabach, pastor, Faith Mennonite Church, Minneapolis
From The Mennonite, 15 August 2016

Joetta Handrich Schlabach
Joetta Handrich Schlabach

Highways can be dangerous places. I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where highways were snow- and sometime ice-covered-for up to five months of the year. I have memories of being in cars that landed in a snow bank in both clear and stormy weather. During the five years that my husband and I lived in Central America, we had our share of breathtaking moments when the bus we were riding in decided to pass on a curve along a mountain road or when we were riding in the back of a pick-up at high speed.

But I’ve never been fearful that a highway encounter with the police might be dangerous. Thankfully, those encounters have been few in my life, but I am increasingly coming to understand that my sense of safety is not simply a matter of always following the speed limit, but also has to do with the color of my skin. I’ve also come to know that the highway that I get on each day, I-94, which many of you may have driven on to come to this gathering, endangered a whole neighborhood in its very creation, as it bored through the heart of St. Paul’s African-American Rondo neighborhood in the 1960’s.

Last month the nation—and many parts of the world—have become familiar with the name of Philando Castile. Philando was the young man shot by a policeman during a “routine” traffic stop in Falcon Heights, just north of St. Paul, Minnesota. Continue reading “Mercy in the borderlands”

15th annual Bridgefolk conference highlights common practices of mercy

This article has also appeared in The Mennonite.


Bridgefolk annual hymn sing in Sacred Heart chapel at St Benedict's monastery. Leading music (right to left) are Samantha E. Lioi, Julia Smucker, Sally McGill and Bro. John Hanson OSB.
Bridgefolk annual hymn sing in Sacred Heart chapel at St Benedict’s monastery. Leading music (left to right) are Samantha E. Lioi, Julia Smucker, Sally McGill and Bro. John Hanson OSB.

St. Joseph, Minn. (BRIDGEFOLK) — The 15th annual Bridgefolk conference was held July 28-31 at Saint Benedict’s Monastery and the College of Saint Benedict in Saint Joseph, MN.  The conference proceeded under the theme, “‘I Desire Mercy:’ Practicing the Works of Mercy.”

Bridgefolk is a grassroots movement of sacramentally-minded Mennonites and peace-minded Roman Catholics who come together to celebrate each other’s traditions, explore each other’s practices, and honor each other’s contribution to the mission of Christ’s Church.

Previous conferences have alternated between Catholic and Mennonite locations in the United States and Canada. Of the forty-five participants gathered for this year’s conference, about thirty were Mennonite and fifteen Catholic.

On the opening evening of the conference, following welcoming words from Sister Michaela Hedican, OSB (Prioress of Saint Benedict’s Monastery), this year’s conference featured Father Columba Stewart, OSB¸ a distinguished scholar of early Church history, especially the evolution of early monastic and other forms of intentional community.  Continue reading “15th annual Bridgefolk conference highlights common practices of mercy”