Intercessory Prayer:
Catholic and Mennonite Perspectives
Mennonite Catholic Theological Colloquium
1 October 2016
Geddes Hall
University of Notre Dame

Papers from this colloquium are included in the volume Intercessory Prayer and the Communion of Saints: Mennonite and Catholic Perspectives, published by Pandora Books in its Bridgefolk Series.
Scholars from the Mennonite and Catholic traditions engaged in discussion of the historical context and contemporary liturgical practices around intercessory prayer. Informed engagement among participants followed formal presentations, with the goal of advancing ecumenical dialogue through rigorous theological exploration.
Margaret Pfeil, University of Notre Dame
Darrin Snyder Belousek, Executive Director, Bridgefolk
Introductory Talk: Establishing the Context
Gerald Schlabach, University of St. Thomas
Part I: Historical Context of Intercessory Prayer
Liturgical History of Intercessory Prayer: A Roman Catholic Perspective
John Cavadini, University of Notre Dame
Early Anabaptist Thought on Intercessory Prayer
Karl Koop, Canadian Mennonite University
Part II: Contemporary Liturgical Practice
A Roman Catholic Perspective
Kim Belcher, University of Notre Dame
A Mennonite Perspective
Marlene Kropf, Emerita, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Closing Reflections
Rebecca Slough, Academic Dean, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical
Elizabeth Groppe, Xavier University