Board member feature: Michelle Sherman

Mug shot of Michelle Sherman
Michelle Sherman

Michelle Sherman came to Bridgefolk two years ago, at the invitation of outgoing board member Elizabeth Groppe. Upon hearing more information about Bridgefolk, Michelle exclaimed, “How have I NOT heard about Bridgefolk before?!” After all, many of its core values — commitment to peacemaking, contemplative spirituality, and an ecumenical sense of proceeding through friendship — deeply resonated with Michelle.

Michelle is a Catholic and is part of Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace movement.  She is also involved with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a global initiative of Pax Christi International that unites theologians, activists, ministers, and practitioners who affirm that active nonviolence is at the heart of the vision and message of Jesus, the life of the Catholic Church, and the long-term vocation of healing and reconciling both people and the planet. 

Prior to her work with Pax Christi USA, Michelle was a campus minister in a high school sponsored by the Cabrini Sisters and a college sponsored by the Augustinians. She also directed a post-grad service program under the direction of the Religious of the Assumption sisters. All of these experiences with religious communities committed to prayer and social action informed her embrace of Catholic Social Teaching in action.

While a campus minister, personal friendships and learnings about the peace traditions of Christian denominations drew Michelle toward Mennonites and Quakers. So when Elizabeth Groppe invited Michelle to be part of Bridgefolk, Michelle enthusiastically read the information on the website and checked out Sharing Peace: Mennonites and Catholics in Conversation from her local library. Following a couple of conversations with Executive Director Joetta Schlabach and Board Co-chair Samantha Lioi, Michelle accepted a position on the board. 

Michelle considers Bridgefolk a gift to the ecumenical movement and our Mennonite and Catholic traditions and extends gratitude to everyone whom she has met so far in Bridgefolk. She looks forward to meeting more in the community at virtual and in-person gatherings, and inviting others to be part of Bridgefolk!