Bridgefolk has announced a theme for its 2022 conference, to be held at St. John’s Abbey in Minnesota July 21-24, that will both look back at the movement’s 20 years of dialogue between Mennonites and Catholics, while committing to further work together. “Standing at the Crossroads: Mennonites and Catholics in Dialogue” will continue the ongoing exploration of what it means for Mennonites and Catholics who seek a Just Peace to address issues of racial justice, which it began at its 2018 Conference.
The current crossroads in this work find Mennonites and Catholics engaging with indigenous communities, acknowledging the legacy of injustice and harm done by the historic removal of indigenous communities from traditional homelands by European settlers and the forced attendance of indigenous children at residential schools. That task is all the more urgent and timely in light of Pope Francis’s recent apology to indigenous peoples in Canada for the abuse of church-run boarding schools, debates over whether apologies are enough, and discernment concerning next steps for Christian churches.
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