Franciscan Fr. Daniel P. Horan — the director of the Center for Spirituality and professor of philosophy, religious studies and theology at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana — has reviewed a recent book by Mennonite authors Regina Shands Stoltfus and Tobin Miller Shearer for National Catholic Reporter. Entitled Been in the Struggle: Pursuing an Antiracist Spirituality, the book was recently published by Herald Press. Horan writes:

In the book’s introduction, Stoltzfus and Shearer recount the challenges they faced and resistances they encountered, including from church leadership, which will resonate with the many observations and experiences of those engaged in the work of racial justice in the Catholic Church.
I believe that Been in the Struggle has a lot to offer Catholics seeking resources to address the “soul-sickness” of racism.
Many of the key themes presented in the book — the dynamics of systemic racism, its presence in popular culture, the meaning of whiteness and a culture of white supremacy — will be familiar to readers who have engaged anti-racism resources in other venues. What is distinctive about Stoltzfus and Shearer’s approach is the attentiveness to the spiritual implications for the work of anti-racism.
To read Fr. Horan’s review, click here.