Mennonite and Catholic Churches in Colombia meeting this week

Representatives of three Mennonite and Brethren in Christ denominations in Colombia, South America are meeting this week with the Department of Doctrine and Ecumenism of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Colombia, as a follow-up to the international dialogue between Mennonites and Catholics.

This news comes in a letter from Pedro Stucky of Colombia to church members living outside the country, forwarded by Larry Miller of Mennonite World Conference and requesting prayer.  The text appears below, in English and Spanish.

Let us joining in prayer that this historic meeting will further “the healing of memories” in Colombia and throughout Latin America.

“Between the years 1998 and 2003, the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity of the Catholic Church, and Mennonite World Conference held five years of dialogue and study around the theme “The healing of memories”, in order to review a painful past between the two churches, with the purpose of seeking a fruitful approach to allow the healing of wounds and build new paths of cooperation.  These conversations produced an interesting document entitled “Called Together to Be Peacemakers,” in three sections, now available for study and feedback.  This coming week we are planning a gathering at the Episcopal Conference, a panel, based on this document, between Catholics and Mennonites. I will appreciate your prayers.  This dialogue is being organized by the Dept. of Doctrine and Ecumenism of the Episcopal Conference and the Mennonite Church, Mennonite Brethren Church, and Brethren in Christ in Colombia, the latter three members of Mennonite World Conference.”

“Entre los años 1998 y 2003, el Pontificio Consejo para la Promoción de la Unidad Cristiana de la Iglesia Católica y el Congreso Mundial Menonita realizaron cinco años de diálogo y estudio inicialmente alrededor del tema “Sanando Memorias” para hacer un repaso de un pasado doloroso entre las dos iglesias, con miras a buscar un acercamiento fructífero que permita sanar heridas y construir nuevos caminos de cooperación. Esas conversaciones produjeron un documento interesante titulado “Llamados a Trabajar Juntos por la Paz”, en tres secciones, que ahora está disponible para estudio y retroalimentación. Esta semana que entra pensamos hacer una tertulia en la Conferencia Episcopal, un panel, con este documento, entre Católicos y Menonitas.   Les agradeceré sus oraciones.  El diálogo lo estamos organizando el Departamento de Doctrina y Ecumenismo de la Conferencia Episcopal y la Iglesia Menonita, Hermanos Menonitas y Hermandad en Cristo en Colombia, los últimos tres, miembros del Congreso Mundial Menonita.”