Does Peacebuilding Need Peace Theology?
A Mennonite-Catholic Dialogue
October 19, 2019
University of Notre Dame, Geddes Hall
Notre Dame IN, USA
Organized by the
Mennonite-Catholic Theological Colloquium, a project of Bridgefolk
Hosted by the
McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
Co-sponsored by the
Catholic Peacebuilding Network
The morality of war and peace is a perennial matter for ecumenical dialogue between Mennonites and Catholics. Enlivening that dialogue in recent decades has been a quiet but remarkable collaboration between members of the two churches, both through NGOs such as Mennonite Central Committee and Catholic Relief Services, and among academics developing the field of peacebuilding at schools such as the University of Notre Dame and Eastern Mennonite University.
This one-day colloquium will trace the sources and significance of Mennonite-Catholic collaboration in peacebuilding, as well as its future prospects: As both Mennonite and Catholics in the field become more skillful practitioners and more sophisticated social-science researchers, what do they owe to the peace theologies that led to their historic collaboration? And what should be the contribution of theology in the future?
- Drew Christiansen SJ, Georgetown University, USA
- Marie Dennis, Pax Christi International
- César Moya, Corporación Universitaria Reformada, Colombia
- Reina Neufeldt, Conrad Grebel College University, Canada
- Daniel Philpott, University of Notre Dame, USA
- André Gingrich Stoner, Faith in Indiana; former director of Interchurch Relations for Mennonite Church USA
For schedule, click here.
For print-ready flier, click here.
Online campus map: https://map.nd.edu/
Parking information: https://police.nd.edu/parking-and-traffic/visitor-guest-parking/
For more information contact MCTC@Bridgefolk.net. For past colloquia see http://www.bridgefolk.net/theology/colloquia.